Life Coach vs. Therapist: What you need to know
#227 Those Who Adapt, Survive
Mental Health, Self-Help, CopingLeslie Sleesmanpandemic, covid-19, survival, adaptation, alcohol, coping, fear, growth, thriving, new normal
#224 Narcissism - A frank discussion
#220 Coping With Negativity
Big Ideas, Mental Health, Self-HelpLeslie Sleesmannegativity, coping, skills, boundaries, hostility, filtering, cynicism, emotions, reasoning, positive
#211 Our Need to Connect - The Human Experience
Communication, Mental Health, Relationships, Self-HelpLeslie SleesmanHuman, connection, social brain, social media, reality, time, family, anxiety, boundaries, authenticity, communication
#209 Discussing Pandemic Life & Grace
#34 Understanding the Ego
#32 Facing Fear
#21 Complaining Might be Killing You
Communication Styles