#39 - Effective Discipline; Tips & Tricks
Thankfully, the days of ‘horse whipping’ children has passed and spanking bare butts is downright illegal in most places. How then, are we to discipline children effectively? Today, the discussion focuses on personal experience and a little professional guidance on a topic that frustrates a lot of parents.
Leslie and Leslyn have been talking about parenting and no such discussion would be complete without a few words about disciplining! Leslie begin by pointing out that no one thing will work with all children; a fact that frustrates parents to breaking points.
A discussion about consequences begins with the point behind behavior modification - the goal of discipline. Is there a difference between girls and boys? How do you find that ‘thing’ that will make an impact and foster desirable behavior. When your ‘go to’ method fails to work, what do you do? When you are too tired to follow through, how are you to be taken seriously?
Leslie and Leslyn share personal stories and antidotes to combat discipline challenges that will get you thinking about alternate ways to get your point across. If nothing else, they’ll remind you that you’re not alone and isolated in your feelings of frustration and ineffectiveness.